Soundcloud Notes
1 min readOct 21, 2019
- The second paragraph should take an aspect of your lead and expand on it.
- Connecter transistions- pronouns, however, therefore, etc. Use associations.
- Chronological transitions- Most important information at the beginning. For sports stories, use words like the first half and second half.
- Numeration- first point, second point, the third point
- Go from indirect quote to direct quote.
- Use short sentences amd paragraphs. Paragraphs should be a maximum of 3 sentences.
- Use the third person in the past tense. No me, we, I, etc.
- Always double-check all the information, from an interview.
- Always copy-edit your work after you are finished.
- Be short and concise. Do not be repetitive.
- Try to use linking-verbs throughout the story. It helps provide a better description.