A. I have read 2 Kings 4:1–7 in both a formal translation (KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV, or CSB)
and a functional translation (NIV, NLT, or NCV). Highlight the correct answer. You will find a copy of the NASB, ESV, CSB, and NLT in your myWSB Library.
B. Identify the basic elements of the story you are studying
1. Main characters: (List them)
The Widow
Widow’s neighbor
Two sons
2. Plot: (50–100 words)
A widow came to Elisha, once a creditor came to her house claiming she must pay her debt or her sons would be sold as slaves. So Elisha asked her what she has, she replies just some empty jars for oil. Elisha orders her to borrow all the empty jars she can from her neighbors. And she gets home to close the door with her sons and fill each jar. The widow was able to fill up every jar and more. The widow sold the jars of oil to pay off her debts.
3. Narrative structure: (50–100 words)
A widow telling Elisha that her husband is dead and a creditor wants to sell her sons into slavery.
Inciting incident:
Elisha orders the woman to borrow as many empty jars of oil as she can from her neighbors.
Rising action:
The widow follows the orders of Elisha. She brings all the jars into her house and closes the door with her sons.
Climax: The widow is able to fill up all of the jars that she has.
Falling Action:
The widow and her sons realize that God supplied not just enough but a surplus of oil.
Resolution: The widow is able to pay off her debts to the creditor.
C. List basic observations about this passage using the “Key Question” for observation.
1. Who:
The Widow
The Widow’s Neighbors
Two sons
2. What:
A servant of Elisha dies. Resulting in his wife becoming a widow and unable to her debts. A creditor threatens to sell the widow’s sons in slavery. The widow pleaded for Elisha’s help. The widow informs Elisha all she has are some empty jars for oil. Elisha tells her to gather all the jars she can, even from her neighbors. When the widow gets all the jars, she is all able to fill everyone with even more oil left over. The widow sells the jars of oil and is able to pay off her debt with the money.
3. Where:
The town of Zarephath.
Modern-day Lebanon.
4. When:
This story took place during the reign of King Joram (Hindson, p.174)
852–841 BC.
5. Why:
Why is the widow crying out to Elisha? ( Her husband has died and a creditor has come to sell her children because she is unable to pay her debt.)
Why does Elisha order her to borrow as many empty vessels as she can? ( So she could fill the vessels with oil, to sell and pay her debt off)
Why was there oil leftover? ( God was ready to provide the widow with however much oil she needed.)
6. How:
How well did Elisha’s instructions help the widow? (Very well she was able to keep the creditor from taking her children.)
How was the widow able to pay off the creditor? (She sold the jars that were filled with oil.)
II. Interpretation
A. Determine the author’s main point. In 1–2 paragraphs (100–400 words) explain what you
think the author is trying to communicate in this passage. Remember, the Old Testament narratives frequently communicate truth by showing it to us in story form instead of telling it to us by way of teaching or sermon.
The story of Elisha and the widow shows the omnipotent power of God when concerning his people. It also reminds us that when everything seems to be going bad, God is still here to provide and protect his people. In the story, the widow obviously lost her husband but was also going to lose her sons due to accumulating debt. However, God used Elisha and his instructions to help the widow pay off her debt and save her sons from being sold into slavery. Another point from this story is the faithfulness of Elisha.
Elisha didn’t know for sure if God would fill up the vessels for the widow. However, Elisha still told the widow to gather all the empty vessels she could. Elisha had faith that God would do a supernatural work in her life.
B. Based on your answer above, write out one principle from this passage. You should be able
to express this principle in 1–3 sentences.
The principle of this story relates to Esphansis 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us”. God is able to do a supernatural work for his people, in their time of need.
IV. Application
What points of application can be made using the Four Questions for Application? State and explain 1 point of application for each of these four questions. Your explanation for each of these points should be 1 paragraph (100–200 words) in length.
A. The question of duty
Elisha was a prophet of God. A prophet is a teacher or proclaimer for God. As a prophet Elisha taught the widow God’s provision and protection for his people. Through this life-changing event the widow was able to experience the omnipotent power of God. It is Elisha’s duty to show people who God really is. This is also relates to the Great Commission for all believers in Christ. Which is convert as many people as you can to Christianity. In Matthew 28:19 states, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”.
B. The question of character
Through the example of Elisha, we have a great role model. A widow came to Elisha in her time of need. Elisha could have told the lady he’s too busy or there’s nothing he can do. Instead, Elisha knew the power of God and told the lady to gather all of the empty vessels she could. Elisha was a man of great faith, he couldn’t see the future, he didn’t know if God would fill the vessels or not. However, Elisha’s faith in God was so great he believed something had to happen. As believers it is important to have faith in the Lord. In Hebrews 11:1 it states, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
C. The question of goals
Elisha’s ordered the widow to gather as many empty vessels as she could and take them back to her house. The widow listened to Elisha and followed each of his orders accordingly. The widow could’ve told Elisha, what am I going to do with empty vessels or I need money. However, by faith she followed his ordered and waited for God to provide and protect for her. This should the goal for all Christians, it may look like everything is going downhill, but have faith God is working. In 2 Corinthians 5:7 it states “For we live by faith, not by sight.” This is a great scripture all Christians should live by.
D. The question of discernment
It is important to be able to discern the voice of God. Two major aspects of the discernment of God are his plan for our lives and being able to discern if something is good or bad. The plan for our lives’ is very important, because without the will of God in our lives’ we would being living our life aimlessly without purpose. Also, discernment of good and evil is imperative. For example, God told Adam and Eve not eat from the forbidden tree, because it was evil. In Genesis 2:17 it states, “but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” However, they were tricked by the snake/devil, which ultimately brought sin and evil into this world.